What Is The Biggest Obstacle You Face When Starting A Home Business?

So you want to start a home business?

When you look at starting a home business as a new entrepreneur, you look at all the things you need to do to get started.


Sales Pages


Product creation

Design graphics

Social media

Funnels – what are funnels?!

All the other requirements like taxes, books, government regulations and so on ..

All you want to do is find the customers who need your solution to their problem or what they desire…..

All the equipment or technology you need to create a functioning business can seem like the biggest obstacle to starting a home business but it is not the biggest obstacle.

The biggest obstacle to starting a home business is YOU!


Your brain will get overwhelmed by all the “things” you have to do in your business.

Your Mind is powerful and it is great at collecting knowledge from here, there and everywhere.

But that can be overwhelming and cause “Paralysis Analysis.”  You will become overwhelmed by all the information and get STUCK. What should I do next?!

Well… take a deep breath ..and make a step by step checklist of what you need to do and cross it off as you do it.


Don’t try to be Perfect.

Perfectionism can also cause paralysis in terms of “waiting” till I get this done and it takes longer than you thought and suddenly, it has been three months of you trying to perfect a sales page.

Imperfect Action is better than no Action.

Perfect is unattainable so don’t even try for Perfect. Just Perfect Enough to get moving!

The Next Best Thing

There is no quick way to make money with a home business. It is about building a business that has systems in it to keep the cash flowing. So always following the newest idea on how to make the cash flow will get you into chasing the quick money instead of a business. It is called the “Bright Shiny Object” syndrome and the promise of the “NEW” has always moved people to buy but you don’t want to move “off your path” chasing rainbows, you want to be focused on a path to your business such that you can see how it works.

The Business of At Home Business Membership

As an entrepreneur working in home business, I have (and still know) known the challenges of being in home business so I have developed a Membership to help others get their home business started quicker and easier.

Check it out at  The Business of At Home Business here.

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