Author name: jgardner

Phrenology Brain

Think like an entrepreneur

Gaining control of your mind is the most challenging but also the most rewarding thing you can possibly do. Why? Because once you learn how to direct your mind, you can guide it to help you achieve anything that you fully commit to. You do this through mind conditioning. I also like to call it […]

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Businessman working hard at office

Time to change your job?

Is it time to make a change? Is the work that I am doing making myself and my family happy? Time with family is precious and you need to consider whether the time at work is worth the salary you are being paid! Fred had a good paying job in Vancouver but the boss demanded

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Unexpected Skunk!

Unexpected Events It is always good to be flexible in your day to day planning when you have a home based business. What happens when a skunk decides to ruin your day and stops your business in its tracks? A couple of weeks ago, I got a call from my brother, with a cat howling

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Businessman tired and confused


  Life as a consultant or the continuing story of Fred. Is it possible to create a new job with his old company? Fred was on disability after suffering a heart attack. His disability was running out in six months so he had to decide how he would make some money. His boss was eager

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