Have you thought of starting a business but have no idea what you want to do?
Is it possible that you could make income from physical work? Have you done physical work before in your life? Do
you feel the most satisfied and content when you are outside working in the sun? Are you tired of the commute to a desk job?
Have you always been good with your hands doing repairs and services around the house when others in the family don’t have the time or energy?
Bob was tired of his 3 hour commute to the office and the office politics so when he got laid off from work he
thought “is there anything else I could do? I have some unemployment benefits for a few months and the spouse is
bringing in some money. Why don’t I see if I can make a go of handyman services? I live in a suburb where most
people go into the city and the only time they can do house repairs or chores is on the weekend.”
I should look into:
- local handyman services already in my town
- how many customers I might have for my service
- What could be the unique selling point for my business
- What would be the costs of starting up and creating awareness for the new business
- Was there any local town bylaws and government certification needed for a handyman service.
He had some research to do before he started the new business and we will follow along as he does in the next
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